The emphatic answer is yes! Listen, please do not let anyone tell you otherwise, God wants you to prosper.  There are numerous references in the bible that indicate that God wants you to prosper.  Consider the following verse “Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” 3 John1:2. Wow “prosper in all things”? That is pretty broad don’t you think? But here is the thing we serve a big God who can truly make it all happen if we apply the right spiritual principles.  With God all things are possible!!!

It is sad that some Christians have unfortunately bought into the erroneous belief that God will love you more if you live in poverty and do not pursue wealth.  My friend, if the truth be told no one wants to live in poverty. A society with extreme poverty is heartbreaking.  We see the pictures all around the world.  But here is the good news, God has put into place certain principles that will lift individuals out of poverty or lack into abundance.  Hopefully as I share those scriptures with you, you will be empowered to act on them.  I am certain that if you act on those scriptures your financial situation will change for the better.

Let’s face it, living from paycheck to paycheck is not fun. I mean recently when the government shutdown occurred, I saw on television the heart-breaking stories of people who could not pay their rent because they have not received that Friday’s paycheck that they were depending on.  Can I be real here with you, that is when it hit me that living paycheck to paycheck just does not provide the real financial freedom that you and I are looking for.  Don’t get me wrong we thank God for our jobs, but He has more in store for us if we would just apply His principles and take action. Despite what others say I believe the bible when it says” A feast is made for laughter and wine makes merry, but money answers everythingEcclesiastes 10:19. Money answers everything? Well that is what the bible says.  So here is the logic if money answers everything then money is not a bad thing.  So, pursuing wealth in order to improve your financial situation then is not bad. God will not be angry at you because you applied His word and made some money. It makes perfect sense don’t you think?

You know friend, we need to change our mindset if we want to prosper.  That is why I wanted you to see how the bible supports that truth or the idea that the pursuit of wealth is not a sin in fact it is a blessing.  As time goes on, I hope to share more on the biblical principles that will lead you to find real joy in the pursuit of wealth and in the process make enough money to live comfortably for you and your family. When you have gained your wealth, you can become a channel of blessing to others.

With all that said, as this blog is about finding the right balance between practicing your faith and making money at the same time, transparency and integrity are very important. Therefore, in the interest of full disclosure this blog may contain links. If you click on a link to make a purchase, I will get paid a commission.

Please feel free to share your thoughts because what you say might help someone who is in the same situation that you are in. Just imagine how your stress level will decrease if you know that money is not an issue with you anymore. Let us help one another as we serve our heavenly father and gain wealth.  Keep the faith.